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Through the Lens of God's Grace

Updated: Oct 3, 2020

"Give unto the LORD the glory due unto His name: bring an offering, and come before Him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness." 1 Chronicles 16:29.

I read a blog post that challenged me to reevaluate my motives for why I write. Why I send out daily encouraging text messages, why I spent seven years writing a book, why I have been working on publishing a devotional for two years…. Her opening statement went something like this, for those who love words… I remembered thinking, do I love words. The answer that came back was ‘no.’ No, you don’t love words. Actually, you’ve always thought words were your enemy. Imagine that, a writer that doesn’t like words.

I smile because every day I have to make peace with being dyslexic. However, today, the Lord had me turn around and look at all my yesterdays. And what He showed me was that I believed words were my enemy because I only saw them through the lens of dyslexia, and not through the lens of His grace.

Pause for a moment… Who or what have you declared to be your enemy? Maybe like me, today is the day that you find out the truth. That person, that talent, gift, assignment, illness, that disability, that loss, that diagnosis, death, the past, present, future, etc., is not your enemy after all. It’s what you’ve been telling yourself, and the lens in which you’ve viewed that thing is the real issue.

I learn today when life is viewed through the lens of God’s grace, the most amazing thing happens… You’re free. I’m free to no longer hide behind words… to no longer be afraid of words… Just like that… you can experience the power of a choice.

I’m free to worship Christ through my writing. I’m free to write for and about Christ in a way that I have not done so before. I’m free to write, and if the only person that reads what I write is Christ, then I am exceedingly glad and profoundly blessed by the experience.

I encourage you to pause, to take some time today to reevaluate why you do what you do… Why you’re going where you’re going? Why you keep hesitating to push forward…? Take some time today to reassesses who or what is your real enemy. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us your grace to make peace with You. For me, I thought words were my enemy, and they never were. Words are your gift to me, and I bow my heart and knee and humbly accept this precious gift. For the person that is reading this post, help them reevaluate that person or things they have viewed as their enemy. You have promised to lead us into all truth… You have also promised that we will know your peace when we accept the truth (John 8:31-32). Thank you for peeling back another layer, removing another brick from the wall we put in place to keep us safe. You are our safe place, always and forever. In Jesus's name, Amen.


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