"From the end of the earth will I cry unto Thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." Psalm 61:2
When Jesus chooses not to move our mountains, He gives us His strength to climb them.
And when we get to the top of the mountain, the view of the valley takes our breath away.
And as we stand there, safely tucked in the cleft of the Rock, Jesus shows us Himself. And as He passes by, there we see, know, we experience deep within the chambers of our hearts, mind, and soul His abiding mercies, grace, long-suffering, goodness, and truth. (Exodus 33-34).
We experience Him in a most profound way on the top of that mountain. And there on that mountain that was threatening to overwhelm us, that mountain that seemed so hard to claim, that mountain we begged God to move, that mountain that brought our spirits low just the mention of it, we learn to worship Christ right there on that mountain.
When life is hard, more than anything, Christ wants to teach us how to dwell in His secret place, for He is the most High, the Rock. There we find love, joy, we are heard and understood, and we find peace and comfort. There we abide under the shadow of the Almighty. There we behold His glory (Psalm 91).
My friend, Christ longs to cover us with His hand and whisper, My presence will go with you down off this mountain, and you will know Me and find rest in Me in the valley below.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah and Amen!