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Desert Places

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

THERE are dry places in us that we try to water with work, family, food, exercise, alcohol, sex, drugs, activities at church, and the list goes on.

May I be honest with you, unless you are daily drinking from the fountain of Christ, receiving from Him living water, you will remain dry, parched. This living water that Christ offers is the truth about Him in His word, which is satisfying, nourishing, hydrating to the mind, heart, and soul.

“There is no pit so deep, that Christ isn't deeper still.”

We all know what it is to feel thirsty, our body telling us to drink water because we have become dehydrated, yet we grab a soft drink, food, zone out on TV, anything, but water. We are never satisfied for very long, always needing more because we are longing for something or someone to supply the need of the soul. Dry places of the soul (loneliness, unforgiveness, fear, bitterness) long to be watered.

Drink Deeply

Tell Jesus all about that dry place, that hurt place that you have been denying water, the living water that only Jesus can give. Give Him your heart, your emptiness, doubts, fears. Give Him that lie that you have gone too far... Betsy tan Boom, a prisoner in one of Hitler’s concentration camps once said, “There is no pit so deep, that Christ isn't deeper still.” Dry places are like prison camps that some of us are afraid to leave. Christ has promised, if you drink His water (His word) you will never thirst again. The question is, why would you settle for less? Christ is holding out His life to you, don't be afraid to take His outstretched hand.

Let Him water your dry places. And when you taste the satisfying love of Christ, nothing but Christ will ever satisfy you. Why? Because Christ is enough. I’ll make you a promise, take the cup of water that Jesus is offering you. Live by His word, develop a dependency upon Him and see if He doesn’t nourish your soul. If you’re not satisfied, completely satisfied, you can always go back to that dry, empty place. John 4; Matthew 8:28-30.


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