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White Raiment Publication
A Christian women's ministry

We equip adult  women with Dyslexia worldwide to live the gospel with power 

Blue Wall

wrp AIM

Gospel Worldwide Statement
Pink Grain Wall

 We are determined,  resilient,  courageous,  innovative,

women empowered by Christ to share the gospel.

Women Laughing on Beach
The Grace to be Authentic

I want to share something personal with you.  I made a prayerful decision not to allow major editing to take place on this website. You may wonder why... Well, I have Dyslexia; therefore, I am a dyslexic writer. I wanted this website to be a vehicle, a safe place that allows me to be me, Dyslexic.  So, if you come across a misspelled word, incorrect word, incorrect sentence structure, a comma out of place, and a host of other mistakes you’re sure to find, celebrate with me for what God has done. Thank God for taking away my shame, fear of failure, and most of all my fear of making mistakes when I read or write. My prayer is that you will be blessed and inspired by God’s amazing grace in my life.  (2 Corinthians 12:8-10). 

Pink Grain Wall

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Blue Wall

For speaking engagements,
please contact me by emailing

Copywrite 2020-2025

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that all content provided on this website is for educational purposes only and does not constitute a one-on-one therapeutic, medical, or legal relationship, nor does it replace medical counseling from a pastor, physician, attorney, or therapist. If at any time you feel that you need advice, purposes only and does not constitute a one-on-one therapeutic, medical, or legal relationship, nor does it replace medical counseling from a pastor, physician, attorney, or therapist. If at any time you feel that you need advice, place contact your local healthcare professional.

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